I'm friendly, outgoing, self-motivated, spontaneous at times, a little wild, very passionate, sentimental, and a true romantic, love to have fun, laugh, and be around positive people.Always looking for ways to improve my knowledge, be it through research, books, people, even through mistakes and accomplishments I make in my own life, and by watching others do the same. We all have our faults, and that's what makes us human, and unique.I am loyal to those that treat me with respect. I speak the truth and believe in brutal honesty!
Ist interessant: Mann
zwischen: 41 - 80
Ziel: Ernsthafte Beziehungen
Kein regelmäßiges Einkommen
Ich wohne bei meinen Eltern
Keine Kinder
Sprachen: English
Ich rauche nicht
  • USA
  • Ghana
  • Australien
Größe: 170 cm (5′7″)
Gewicht: 102 kg (225 lb)
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