I believe that similar attracts the same. I am here looking for my soulmate, my continuation of me. I really want to see my partner to be courageous, cheerful, discovered, honest person. I'm looking for a romantic, energetic and easy-going man, who wonders every day to explore the world in all its manifestations. I want to see in the second half - first of all friend who will understand and will appreciate me, and then in the future and possibly the father of our child. I'm on this site with serious intentions and hope that our halves will find each other and become a single entity.
jest interesujący/a: Chłopak
Wiek: 31 - 35
Cel: Długi związek, Przyjaźń, Flirtowanie i randkowanie
Wysoki dochód
Pokój w akademiku
Wykształcenie uniwersyteckie
Języki: English, Français
Nie palę
Piję okazjonalnie
  • Ghana
  • United States
Osoba pochodząca z Kaukazu
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