, 32
Dari Atlanta
In town for only a few more weeks and looking to make the most of it. Looking for a no commitment hook up where I can leave this town and have no regrets Looking to be entertained at least once a week. No strings attached. I like men that are endowed older is fine. You must be able to host. I'm living in a sexless roommate type of relationship. Not sure if I'm going to stay in this relationship because sex is important to me still. I like kinky but not abuse or bondage. Willing to try new things maybe even occasional safe threesomes. It's okay if you're bi as long as you're safe and clean. Protection a must. Please no drugs or drama.
Menarik: Laki-laki
Umur: 18 - 50
Tujuan: Persahabatan, Menggoda dan berkencan
Tidak ada anak-anak
Pendidikan sarjana
Bahasa: English
Saya tidak merokok
Minum untuk pergaulan
  • Filipina
  • Amerika Serikat
Asli Kaukasus
Tinggi badan: 167.6 cm (5′6″)
Berat: 52.163 kg (115 lb)
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